YES! Magazine have an open call for proposals for their Spring 2017 edition that references GOSH! 2016 attendees Public Lab:
Every person a scientist: There are some powerful examples of citizen-led science-based activism; the water poisoning in Flint, Michigan, is one example. Public Lab teaches people to investigate environmental concerns using inexpensive DIY techniques. Any impacts to report from their work? Crowdsourced research on animal migration shifts and sea changes in coastal areas—how are citizens engaging more as students and caretakers of their physical world? Who are the citizen scientists doing amazing work?
The values they are interested in addressing sound very similar to the GOSH Manifesto so if anyone would be interested to pitch a piece then get in touch via the GOSH Forum.
Image credit: Infragram test from plane: NDVI by Jeff Warren, Public Lab. Available on Flickr, licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0