2024 Policy Briefs and Publications
In 2023, the GOSH Community awarded 20 microgrants of USD 500 to organizations across the world who hosted workshops or short courses focused on open science hardware. Below are some of the publications that resulted from these workshops.
These workshops were convened by GOSH community members, funded by Alfred P Sloan Foundation and coordinated by Gathering for Open Science Hardware Inc, a US-based nonprofit.

Satellite by Cooked Illustrations
In July 2023, the Gathering for Open Science Hardware (GOSH) community and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (the Wilson Center) organized a workshop reflecting on the role of open science hardware for space research and charting a possible path toward wider adoption. This new report describes the origins of the workshop, the diversity of expertise represented during its proceedings, lessons learned, and a prospective look at the next steps.
Read the report here!
A press package is also available here.
This report examines the development of the African Open Science Hardware community and details the findings of a community forum held to collectively reflect on and identify the causes explaining how the movement has evolved in Africa and to identify possible courses of action for improvement. The report proposes a theory of change to strengthen actions related to the development of the African Open Science Hardware community.
Read the report here!
2021 Policy Briefs
Throughout 2021, members of the GOSH community have been hosting a series of writing workshops, in the form of community writing sprints, to develop guidance on Open Science Hardware (OScH) aimed at research funders, academic institutions (particularly technology transfer offices), and science policymakers: stakeholders who we view as key in enabling ubiquitous adoption of OScH. During these workshops, policy briefs were created in situ to be distributed to target audiences via specialist press outlets, specific events, and the GOSH community network.
These workshops were convened by GOSH community members, funded by Alfred P Sloan Foundation and coordinated by Gathering for Open Science Hardware Inc, a US-based nonprofit.
On March 8th and April 14th of 2021, the Gathering for Open Science Hardware (GOSH) convened two virtual writing workshops with open hardware practitioners and technology transfer officers to discuss the potential of open hardware for Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs). This policy brief is the culmination of these discussions, highlighting how open hardware provides opportunities for TTOs outside of the current patent-and-license model and characterizing what is needed in order to support the adoption of open hardware by TTOs.
- Download the brief in English
- Download the brief in Portuguese
- Access this brief via Zenodo
- Read more about the workshop
You can also access a plain text file of this document here.
On June 1st of 2021, members of the Gathering for Open Science Hardware (GOSH) community convened a virtual writing workshop for promoting Open Source Hardware (OScH) at the international policy level. Workshop participants included OScH practitioners and those with international policy backgrounds from across the globe. The resulting policy brief highlights the potential for innovation that OScH brings on the international level and how international organisations can best promote OScH practices. The brief will be released in September of 2021.
- Download brief
- Access this brief via Zenodo
- Read more about the workshop
You can also access a plain text file of this document here.
2021 Research Funding Salons
During June and July 2021 the Gathering for Open Science Hardware (GOSH) community organised a series of salon-style meetings to explore open hardware with funding institutions. The purpose of these meetings were to connect open hardware (OH) funders and broader funders of open research and to develop guidance on OH and Open Science Hardware (OScH). The following write-ups provide a summary of what was discussed at each of the meetings.
These workshops were convened by GOSH community members, funded by Alfred P Sloan Foundation and coordinated by Gathering for Open Science Hardware Inc, a US-based nonprofit.