Community calls

GOSH community calls are virtual meetings aimed to learn about the activities and projects of GOSHers around the world, discuss interesting Open Science Hardware topics and make things easier for those interested in joining GOSH.

The calls usually consist of a 20-minute presentation of projects or topics followed by discussion, and some time for introductions/community announcements.

The time of the meetings changes from call to call in order to give an equal chance of joining to GOSHers all around the world.

How to Join

Each call is hosted via Zoom. The schedule below has more details on how to join each call.

Subscribe to the GOSH community calendar to be notified of future calls and other GOSH-related events and activities.

Recordings and Notes

Recordings are uploaded after the calls to the GOSH YouTube channel.

The notes from the 2021-2024 calls are stored here. You can find the notes from the 2019 community calls here.

2024 Schedule
MonthDateTime (UTC)TopicPresenter(s)Information for joining the call
April912:00 – 13:30Environmental SensorsSee the list of presenters here. Find out more here.
July513:00 Medical DevicesCOSMIIC, the CARSS Center, and the OSII (Open Source MRI) project. Find out more here!Register here.
2023 Schedule
MonthDateTime (UTC)TopicPresenterInformation for joining the call
JanuaryGOSH Open Hardware Literature Review SeriesGOSH Community MembersFind out more about the series here!
February1315:00IO RodeoJo Long & Will Dickson Register here!
March1420:00 EmbryoPhemomics / Internet of Production (IoP) AllianceOliver Tills / Barbara Schack & Sarah HuttonRegister here!
April2712:00Open Science Hardware Practices and Potentialities for Africa / The Rotoforge ProjectAbdoul Kafid Toko / Michael LynRegister here!
May 2415:00GOSH Governance and ConstitutionLiz Barry and Pen-Yuan HsingRegister here!
June2910:00BrailleRAP project and Climate Change Lab (CClab)Hugues Aubin, Dr Daniel Kengni Tiomo, Stéphane GodinRegister here!
October1914:30Open Hardware for Marine Science ApplicationsHarold Tay / Andrew Thaler / Zack Johnson / Niamh BurkeRegister here!
December1416:00GOSH Roadmap Coworking SessionOpen Science Shop / GOSH Ambassador Program / OScH Project Directory WGRegister here!
2022 Schedule
MonthDateTime (UTC)TopicPresenterInformation for joining the call
JanuaryTuesday 25th21:00General Updates on the GOSH CommunityGOSH Community MembersRegister for the call here
FebruaryThursday 2419:00 UTCJust one Giant Lab (JOGL) / FreespirecoThomas Landrain / Robert Read, Public InventionRegister for the call here.
MarchMarch 2113:00 UTCRepair Café / Our-SciMathew Lubari / Vic Spindler-Fox, Emily BradyRegister for the call here.
AprilApril 2511:00 UTCOpen-Source Hardware for a Globally Responsible FutureEngineers Without Borders UKRegister for the call here.
MayMay 1613:00 UTCCreative Innovation Center (C.I.C) / Adding depth-sensing to camera traps to transform wildlife monitoring for conservationCreative Innovation Center (C.I.C) / Pen-Yuan HsingRegister for the call here.
July July 189:00 UTCSeeed StudioYe Seong ShinRegister for the call here.
AugustAugust 3013:00 UTC2022 Digital Naturalism Conference / Presentation from Douglas EstevesAndy Quitmeyer / Douglas EstevesRegister for the call here.
SeptemberSeptember 2620:00 UTCOreSat, a fully open source, modular, and scalable CubeSat “bus” aimed at interdisciplinary student teamsAndrew GreenbergRegister for the call here.

2021 Schedule

MonthDateTime (UTC)TopicPresenterInformation for joining the call
FebruaryThursday 25th14:00Finalizing GOSH governance plan and setting up elections process GOSH Governance Working GroupClick here to join via Zoom.
SeptemberWednesday 29th13:00 The FreeMoCap Project- A free open source markerless motion capture system for decentralized science, education, and art.Jon MatthisClick here to join via Zoom.
OctoberThursday 28th21:00 UROŠ – Ubiquitous Rural Open Science HardwaredusjagrClick here to join via Zoom.
NovemberThursday 18th14:00Edible Makerspace / open-source hardware for the dissemination of science and environmental care through social projectsSaad Chinoy / Alex CarrilloClick here to join via Zoom.
DecemberTuesday 7th13:00The Internet of Production Alliance – building digital infrastructure for decentralised manufacturing / Presenting the paper: “Towards FAIR Principles for Open Hardware”Barbara Schack / Ana Trisovic, Nadica Miljkovic, Limor PeerClick here to join via Zoom.

2020 Schedule

MonthDateTime (UTC)Topic
JuneTuesday 16th14:00History of GOSH, SLOAN Foundation Grant, and Next Steps
JulyTuesday 14th14:00A call for all those interested in shaping what the GOSH governance structure looks like going forward
DecemberWednesday 16th14:00Overview of first draft of proposed governance structure

2019 Schedule

MonthDateTime (UTC)TopicPresenter
MarchThursday 7th11:00Soil cromatrography (FC) – The new SI: The world just redefined the way we define our units (JS)Fernando Castro / Julian Stirling
AprilThursday 11th15:00Vuela project: Lessons Learned (PB) – HiSeq project (K) – Live report from AfricaOSHPaz Bernaldo / Kaspar / AfricaOSHers
JuneThursday 4th13:00GOSH Great LakesGreg Austic
AugustTuesday 27th10:00DIY Labware: Promoting Open Science Hardware among Ghanaian AcademicsVictor Kumbol
OctoberFriday 4th14:00Open Hardware Leaders: an OHW mentoring program from MozillaJosé Urra
NovemberTuesday 12th16:00The Open Know-How SpecificationJérémy Bonvoisin
DecemberTuesday 3rd19:00Hacking Ecology: Building open source water monitoring systems with researchers and communitiesSaulo Jacques