Apply by 15 Aug to join the Global Summit on Community Biotechnology taking place at the MIT Media Lab from Friday September 22 to Sunday September 24 2017.
GOSH community members including Jenny Molloy, Rüdiger Trojok, Thomas Hervé Mboa Nkoudou, Pierre Padilla and probably some more we missed on the website are already confirmed as attending!
From the website:
The Community Biotechnology Initiative at the MIT Media Lab is organizing a Global Summit on Community Biotechnology this fall from Friday September 22 to Sunday September 24. Our goal is to provide a space for the global community of bio-hackers and members of independent and community laboratories to convene, plan, build fellowship, and continue the evolution of our movement. Our programming topics will include: diversity and inclusion, sharing and learning, bio security, enabling technologies, bio art and design, and more.
We are asking all interested participants to apply! While all are welcome, space is limited, so we are prioritizing active practitioners in the community with an emphasis on diversity across geographic, cultural, ethnic, gender, and creative backgrounds. We will add accepted participants to the Directory on a rolling basis with the goal of accepting everyone interested in joining.