Taller de Termocicladores abiertos para Educación Universitaria

Megan Zimroth

Taller de Termocicladores abiertos para Educación Universitaria

Fundacen, with Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM)


500 USD

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“Taller de termocicladores abiertos para educación universitaria” was carried out in the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM) teaching biolab in July 2023. The workshop was aimed at professors from UNSAM, a public university in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. They were introduced to open hardware PCR equipment and collaborated to adapt the equipment to their molecular biology courses. The goal was to bring Open Hardware PCR to the teaching labs, which operate under a very limited budget, and either rely on third-party equipment or skip the PCR experiment entirely.

Altogether, five professors attended the event. The Professors have already committed to using the open thermocyclers in their university courses and between them will introduce over 100 students per year to open labware technology via teaching labs. Dr. Marcela Brocco and her team have led the first round of assemblies and tested the cyclers against their standard equipment with equivalent results. The team later ran a second workshop involving a total of four professors.

Depending on feedback and demand, additional thermocyclers may be manufactured locally.

Reference Number: STEM-106


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