The next GOSH community call will take place on 24 February from 19:00 – 20:00 UTC. Join us for presentations from Just One Giant Lab (JOGL) and Public Invention along with community updates.
Register for the call here. Read more about GOSH community calls here.
More Information on the presentations:
Freespireco (presented by Public Invention): The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated a clear and present need for a complete, free-libre open-source, easily repairable, widely usable, safe and effective respiratory support medical device ecosystem. Public Invention asks that you support our project to create such a system, to be called The Freespireco Project. Much of this project is medical technology, but it requires capabilities such as oxygen analyzing, flow sensing, pressure sensors, etc. We have already built an open-source tool, the VentMon, which is a wifi-enabled system for doing much of this sensing. However, we have other projects underway, including a general-purpose alarm module that may be of interest to GOSH. Find out more about Public Invention by checking out their youtube channel:
JOGL: JOGL is an international community, a non-profit, open-source, collaborative platform, and a bastion to open-science and impact innovation. This presentation is an opportunity for the GOSH community to learn more about the JOGL platform and provide feedback on a test space for GOSH.
The calls are also available on the GOSH community calendar.