It’s here – the near final draft of the Open Science Hardware Roadmap. This includes intellectual contributions from 100+ people, including everyone who attended GOSH 2017. Now we need your help to finalise the recommendations!
The document is open for comment only until Fri 6 Oct at midnight UTC.
Please do not make direct suggested edits to the text, the roadmap stewards will be making passes to try and close minor comments during the week and making major changes 7-12 Oct in preparation for laying it out for print and web publication. See more background below on how to comment and why we are writing a roadmap!
We would particularly welcome ideas for illustrative examples that can add interest to the text, figures and other graphical elements you might like to see in the final document.
Notes on commenting on the text
- Read the background below before commenting, particularly if you haven’t been involved in drafting already.
- Do not make direct edits. Please leave comments and the Roadmap stewards will try to integrate it in the main text, with the help of people who were involved in substantial drafting. We have spent many hours deciding on some of the wording and come to compromises that we know will not reflect everybody’s priorities and preferences.
- Comments about the content of the roadmap and the structure are always welcome! Hearing about what sections are missing and where there needs to be major editing are helpful.
- Comments are welcome to be critical, but they are more likely to be incorporated in they also propose a change or solution to the criticized piece.
Why are we writing a roadmap?
This document is meant to be a compass for the Open Science Hardware (OScH) community: in what follows we describe the directions we would like to take as a community. It was prepared by the GOSH community to include the viewpoints of educators, hardware engineers, community science activists, students, artists, software developers, researchers, and many others.
What brings us together is a desire to grow a diverse community around the development and application of Open Science Hardware. To that end, we have chosen to focus on 1) advocating for Open Science Hardware approaches within our institutions and within governments, 2) providing information, training, and tools to our communities, 3) convening new and supporting existing groups and 4) conducting research with and into Open Science hardware projects.
Here we lay out insights and precedences from researchers and practitioners, describing many positive impacts of Open science hardware with an emphasis on key aspects, such as improved knowledge transfer, international exchange, and responsible innovation. The roadmap follows the GOSH Manifesto by laying out the practical challenges and opportunities for open science hardware while detailing the actions that open hardware users, developers, advocates and stakeholders can take. In sum, these actions will create better conditions for studying, designing, exchanging, and implementing our projects.
This document describes the issues that we need to solve and our action plans for doing so, based on our vision for Open science hardware to be ubiquitous by 2025 and informed at all levels by the community values put forward in the GOSH Manifesto.
How to Contribute to the Document
This document is divided into three sections: Learn, Support, and Grow. All of them are inter-related, and some topics might be covered in more than one section, but each has a distinct aim. Keep this in mind when contributing.
The Learn section includes any type of action aimed at gaining knowledge about OScH and/or our community, e.g. discussions, workshops, artistic explorations, researchers carrying out academic research. These actions aim at answering questions such as: what would be the broader relevance of our collective project? What can we do to gather information and knowledge about OScH to enable support and dissemination activities?
The Support section includes those actions aimed at creating the conditions for enabling the present and future of the OScH community by supporting people (e.g. mentorship, meetings, training), organizations/institutions (educational resources, agreement documents) and projects (e.g. testing, funding, designing, fabricating, licenses, that is, everything that belongs to a commons of Open Hardware development tools and infrastructures).
The Grow section includes actions aimed at increasing the diversity and scaling up our community in terms of who gets to participate, learn, and contribute back to the initiatives of our community. Common activities include: providing outreach/advocacy/educational resources, media, events, workshops, etc.
Each section follows a general structure:
- Introduction (Problem Statement)
- Challenges and Opportunities
- Recommendations and Action Points (which include those who might take action and a timeline for allowing to know where we need to focus our attention to support each other and our projects).