Symbiolab, Institute IRNAS is looking for a post-doctoral candidate (Ph.D. before 14th September 2016) to apply for the MSCA-IF fellowship on the topic of opensource 3D-bioprinter development.
3D bioprinting is a rapidly developing field of research which combines cell and tissue cultivation with fabrication methods such as 3D printing. Potential applications range from algae-biosensors on microchips to patient specific organ transplants. In short, the field promises a manifold of opportunities for biological and medical research and innovation. Bioprinting was introduced in the early 2000’s and is currently gathering pace, as interest has increased 5-10 fold just in the last 5 years. While commercial devices are already available, a high price and certain technological limitations still restrict the use of bioprinters to more or less high-budget research projects.
Now, we wish to combine our expertise and experience in machine development with excellent science. By open-sourcing bioprinting, our goal is to a) expand the capabilities of our bio lab in the fields of molecular and cell biology and b) make the methodology generally more available and thus aid citizen science and research in financially limited institutions.
Read full project and job description in the call for candidates over at Institute IRNAS. Application deadline is 21st August 2016.